Mentoring Young People: Making a Positive Difference in their Lives

Mentoring Young People: Making a Positive Difference in their Lives

Encourage others to reach their potential and achieve greatness How important are your face-to-face relationships to you? In recent times I had the privilege of sharing mentoring thoughts with a relatively new mentoring program serving the area in which I used to...
Finding Inspiration – Mentors who shape our lives

Finding Inspiration – Mentors who shape our lives

When you were young, who was your hero? Do you still have heroes? Who are your guiding lights, the people who have and are shaping your life? While walking along the beach on a beautiful Autumn day recently – a privilege in my retirement! – I was...
Building a Resilient Youth: The Power of Mentoring

Building a Resilient Youth: The Power of Mentoring

I am continually reminded of the importance of young people understanding that they are responsible for the choices they make each day; that every choice has a consequence and, if they are experiencing challenging times or abuse of any sort, they can choose to speak...
An important message of hope to share – what do you do?

An important message of hope to share – what do you do?

Do you have a message of hope to share with the wider community? How do you respond when you watch the television news and you see helpless babies and young children injured by war, explosions, violence, displacement or through some other event beyond their control? I...
10 Strategies to become an effective mentor and leader

10 Strategies to become an effective mentor and leader

While enjoying a cup of coffee, I was reflecting on the many leaders I have either worked under or met during the past five decades. Which were the leaders I had the most respect for? What specific management or leadership qualities or skills did they possess? A few...