Robin's Mentoring Matters Blog
Encourage and inspire youth to reach their potential10 Proven Strategies to Become an Effective Influencer
Can you name one leader, or person of influence who has significantly impacted your life? What happened? While enjoying a cup of coffee, I was reflecting on the many leaders I have either worked under or met during the past five decades. Which were the leaders I had...
The 10 Most Important Life Lessons My Students Taught Me
What is the greatest life lesson a young person has taught you? Can you remember the actual time and place where that occurred? I was thinking about this recently as I continued my research for my new mentoring book due out later this year: 52 Mentor Musings: to...
Invest Time in Life-Changing Decisions
I was reflecting on the amazing people who reached out to me during tough times in my life, and guided me closer to reaching my potential. They tolerated my inconsistent behavior, my cheek, my nonsense, my sense of insecurity and self-doubt, mostly hiding my feelings...
We All Want to be Loved and Valued: Words of Wisdom to Inspire and Motivate
“What are your top five life lessons you can share with me?” Imagine someone asking you that question. How would you respond? Like many others, from time to time some pearls of wisdom cross my desk. The two lists I share in this post can be shared with anyone, no...
Mastering the Number One Survival Skill: Regulating Your Mind
The Number One Survivor Skill …. The number one survival skill is… the power to regulate your thoughts. Some call it resilience, mental toughness or grit. Others call it perseverance, fortitude or mental powers. The bottom line is… it is ALL self-regulation....
Twelve Ways to be the Love You Wish to Feel in 2025
The change always begins with me. What positive memories will you store from your 2024 experiences? How have you expressed care and concern (love) to others? How have you received the love of others? While reading the media reports this morning, I reflected on...
Unlocking Your Potential: 30 Life Lessons for Personal Development
Be teachable, open-minded, always willing to learn I have been spending time reflecting on the interactions I have had in a number of leadership positions with a variety of people of different ages and cultures over the years. Thoughts and ideas spring to mind. Here...
Sharing the Freedom to Create and Be You: Every Life Matters — know their story
Recently, when I was walking on our local beach and thinking about mentoring, I observed a young boy, probably about two years old, walking with his mother. The tide was moving out. Some small pools of water remained from the high tide. With great excitement the boy...
Why I Have HOPE for the Future: Speaking to the Unique Potential in Others
Do you think there is HOPE for the future? That’s a challenging question to ask a young person, though you’ll probably be surprised when most answer in the affirmative. “What if _____?” I wonder how many times I have asked this question over the years? I have been an...
The Importance of Patience and Perseverance in Reaching Your Goals
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same." (anonymous) I love this quote, as it resonates with me and my life journey to date, as I think about all those who have...