The Ultimate Guide: 17 Golden Rules to be an Exceptional Mentor
Sometimes we can pause and think about the qualities we are modelling as mentors of youth – indeed, mentors of anyone of any age. These 17 ‘golden’ tips and strategies (rules) are gathered from years of research. There are many more, of course, though I trust thesae will be a helpful guide to anyone wanting a quick check-list as they set out to mentor someone, especially youth.
A lways aim to be the very best you can be
N ever hit, humiliate, abuse your mentee
E njoy mentoring with a sense of humor
F lexibility gains respect
F amily values are nurtured
E fficiency and thorough planning
C reative spirits change the world
T eamwork builds positive communities
I nspire your mentee at every opportunity
V isionary mentors educate for the future
E xcellence creates positive achievers
M otivate positively
E ncourage, empathise, affirm, and love your mentee
N urture and mold your mentee as a unique being
T ry to be firm, fair and consistent
O ffer constructive criticism always
R ole models live a healthy, balanced lifestyle
More Ways to Be an Exceptional Mentor
Mentoring Minutes: Weekly Messages to Encourage Anyone Guiding Youth. This book is loaded with hundreds of tips and strategies, as well as true stories, to enrich the mentoring journey.