The Power of the Teacher-Mentor in a Post-Pandemic World
Key Challenges facing Teacher-Mentors of 21st Century Students
Key Skills for Effective Teacher-Mentors
Teacher-Mentors who set out to move alongside their students and encourage them to develop, take responsibility for their actions and own their personal best goals, are likely to be more successful than those who set out to “save”, “rescue” or “fix” their students with a more prescriptive approach. Some of the key challenges facing the Teacher-Mentor working with 21st Century students -and which are even more important in a post-pandemic world – would include:
Listening to young people
Being youth-driven
Building relationships
Respecting boundaries
Being sensitive to differences
Focusing on the young person
Providing support, encouragement and challenge (academic, music, sports, art, community service, cultural)
Being realistic
Giving quality time
Offering guidance
Teacher-Mentors also need time to get together:
To provide each other with emotional support
To share experiences
To develop solutions to common difficulties
Younger Teachers will be keen to work with Baby Boomers, teachers with considerably more knowledge and experience, while the Baby Boomers could tap into the technological and creative thinking of these younger teachers who are keen to have structure in their lives at school
For ongoing training – key Teacher-Mentoring skills, listening to experts on youth and community issues etc.
Expectations Of A Teacher-Mentor
Students value Teacher-Mentors who meet some of their expectations, which might include:
A wise, trusted and dependable friend who can still be an authority figure
Focuses on the needs of the student
Teaches students how to express themselves assertively in emotional situations rather than aggressively or passively
Encourages a caring and supportive non-judgmental relationship
Seeks to empower students with key life skills, which students learn from role model Teacher-Mentors
Teaches students to be responsible for their behavior choices
Encourages and inspires students to develop their personal vision for the future
Assists with the setting and attaining of realistic, achievable and measurable goals
Aims to see ongoing improvement in the student’s daily environment (academic, cultural activities, sport, community involvement)
- Coaches and teaches students the responsible use of social media
Teaches students how to handle mistakes responsibly
Assists students to improve their self-worth, pride and confidence levels
Encourages students to identify with the local and wider community, appreciating the importance of being of service to others
Teaches students to be proactive, carefully weighing up consequences before taking action
Wherever possible, works with the students’ parents and caregivers to provide support, friendship, encouragement, reinforcement, constructive and honest feedback, as well as wise counsel to the student
Offers suggestions, insight and advice, allowing students to make personal decisions and choices
Stands up for the student when this is needed e.g. writing a job reference, supporting an application for entry to an education institution, or agreeing to be a Referee on a student’s Resume.
Here you can find jobs for mentors.