The Barnabas Prayer is available in NEW ZEALAND only for a special price of NZ$23 (including NZ Post courier charges), otherwise through Wipf and Stock and Amazon (also on Kindle). If you live in New Zealand, contact me and I will send an Invoice for online banking.
The Barnabas Prayer is a short user-friendly book which follows the significant role that Barnabas – mentor to Saul – played in the emergence of the early Church. We consider some of the key qualities of a servant leader as we journey with Barnabas. Over 100 ideas to inspire and motivate readers to make a positive difference in their communities – faith in action. Reflections, tips to improve and develop our leadership and coaching skills, and memorable quotes are all included in this guide on how to use our God-given gifts and talents in the post COVID-19 world. The ‘spirit of mentoring’ theme is woven through all the sections of the book.
Endorsements & Reviews
“I have rarely come across such an encouraging, practical, and informative book all rolled into one! Robin Cox combines Scripture, church history, the quotations of the saints over the centuries, and prayer with a wealth of practical advice, exhortation, and examples of simple ‘tasks’ as we draw alongside of’ others in the mold of Barnabas. A book to read in one sitting and also one to dip into daily.”
—Alastair Reid, general secretary, The Independent Schools’ Christian Alliance
“Have you ever wondered how powerful encouragement is? Robin Cox has. So much so, he has given his life to encouraging others to pursue God’s purpose. Now he helps us do the same, by exploring the life and motivation of Barnabas. He provides multiple practical examples of how we can emulate this great leader, from opening a door to adopting a child. Buy the book, read the book, then release the book’s message in others.”
—Graham Coyle, chairman, European Educators’ Christian Association
“If you knew you could change the world for Jesus what would you do first? As I read Robin’s latest book I was humbled by his simple but profound words of encouragement. We are called to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and love our neighbor as ourselves, but how? The Barnabas Prayer, in all its simplicity, shows us what it truly means to not just be believers, but also followers of Christ.”
—Paul Browning, headmaster, St. Paul’s School
“Robin Cox skillfully takes us on a journey towards being an encourager, using a prayer as the map. At each location he provides insightful quotes, reflection questions, relevant historical data, and practical ‘to do’ lists, all of which motivate us to continue the journey. At our destination we find ourselves knowing more about Barnabas and the early church. We also have a practical framework within which to explore the possibilities of serving others through encouragement.”
—Marion Sanders, Head of the School of Teacher Education, Bethlehem Tertiary Institute, New Zealand
“The Barnabas Prayer by Robin Cox is a timely, richly layered, inspirational book that speaks to the needs of people all over the world in these tumultuous times. Deeply appalled by the dastardly things humans can do to other humans, Cox seeks not to blame or accuse, but instead asks what God wants him to do. I warmly recommend this text in which Cox gently takes us by the hand and invites us to share in this journey of love in action, giving multiple practical suggestions to inspire you and me to show love in action in our own communities.”
—Rudi Pakendorf, Lutheran lay leader in South Africa and the United States
“An inspiring book filled with plenty of highly practical real-life examples, The Barnabas Prayer is a thought-provoking read. We need a generation of people willing to follow in the footsteps of Barnabas and this book is a good place to start reflecting on what that journey might look like.”
—Hilary Hague, national director, Scripture Union NZ